Instagram’s New “Follows You” Feature is Exactly What Users Have Been Waiting For

We’ve all done it, whether we admit it or not: Stalking someone who is insta-famous, a secret crush, or your boss – and then trying desperately to see if they’re following us back or not. Previously, it hasn’t been that easy to see if someone likes our account enough to follow us back, but now with Instagram’s latest update, seeing if someone follows you is easier than ever. FINALLY!

Before, we could already see if someone was following them by going to the Followers section in our profile and searching for the Instagrammer by username, but now we are directly able to see if someone is following us. When you open an Instagrammer’s profile, check underneath their bio – above where you see a “Followed By,” you will see a “Follows You” if that person has hit the “Follow” button to your account. The new “Follows You” feature has already been released for Android users, but Apple users can expect to see this exciting new update with the new iOS.

Most people are jumping for joy over this new feature, but it could mean some trouble for those of you out there with commitment issues (you know, the people who like and comment on photos without ever hitting the “Follow” button. But, we’re thinking that the pros far outweigh the cons on this new update.

Now, how about not changing your algorithms all the time, Insta?

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